This week our amazing team spent a morning volunteering at Ocean Beach cleaning up litter. The cleanup was organized by one of our team members, Raquel Esparz, Director of Community Relations, and the whole office got involved and had a wonderful time in the process.

San Francisco Catering San Francisco Catering

We collected bucket after bucket of trash all while laughing and enjoying each other’s company and helping to keep our beaches beautiful. It was a gorgeous day with the sun rays kissing our skin and the salt air blowing through our hair. The sound of the ocean waves crashing and hitting the sand was like music to our ears and kept us energized the whole time. (The gallons of coffee provided might have had something to do with that as well.)

San Francisco Catering San Francisco Catering

As a sustainable catering company, we love to do what we can to help protect the environment and don’t mind rolling up our sleeves and getting dirty. So think of us the next time you take a relaxing stroll along the clean and beautiful boardwalk of Ocean Beach, and maybe you’ll be inspired to do your part too and pick up any trash you see as you go along.

San Francisco Catering San Francisco Catering San Francisco Catering San Francisco Catering San Francisco Catering